Payment Descriptions
Application Fee ONLY (without registering):
Paying the refundable* Application Fee is ONLY providing that portion towards the total current tuition amount of the course and to guarantee it does not increase in cost from what is currently advertised; however, it does not completely pay for the course nor does it start the registration.
First Payment to be added (when registering):
To start the registration process for the course, you must also provide the First Payment and a Student Agreement with an agreed upon Start Date; all of which must be submitted at least 15 days prior to the Start Date unless otherwise agreed. Please know the *refundable period is ONLY good for one year from the date of submission. After that it will not be refunded; unless claimed during that time.
Application Fee AND First Payment:
Paying the Application Fee AND First Payment together, is ONLY providing that portion towards the total current tuition amount of the course required to register; however, it does not completely pay for the course and ONLY starts the registration. To complete the registration process for the course, a Student Agreement must be provided with an agreed upon Start Date. In addition, a Last Payment must be submitted within an agreed amount of time; all of which is due at least 15 days prior to the Start Date unless otherwise agreed.
First Payment:
Paying the First Payment is ONLY providing that portion of the total current tuition amount of the course required to register; however, it does not completely pay for the course and DOES NOT start the registration. To start the registration process for the course, you must have also provided the Application Fee and a Student Agreement. Then to complete the registration process for the course, a Last Payment must be submitted within an agreed amount of time; all of which must be submitted at least 15 days prior to the Start Date unless otherwise agreed.
Last Payment:
Paying the Last Payment, is ONLY providing that portion of the total current tuition amount of the course required to register; however, it does not completely pay for the course and DOES NOT start and/or complete the registration. To start and/or complete the registration process for the course, you must have also provided the Application Fee and First Payment and the Student Agreement; all of which must be submitted at least 15 days prior to the Start Date unless otherwise agreed.
Quick Pay-in-Full:
Paying the Quick Pay-in-Full, IS providing the total current tuition amount required to register; however, it DOES NOT complete the registration. To complete the registration process for the course, you must also provide the Student Agreement; all of which must be submitted at least 15 days prior to the Start Date unless otherwise agreed.